What is cosmetic dentistry?

Merrillville cosmetic dentistry involves dental procedures that are performed to improve a patient’s smile rather than improve the functionality of patient’s teeth. There are many procedures involved in cosmetic dentistry. All the procedures involved are aimed at improving the appearance of teeth. Some of the procedures not only improve the appearance of teeth but also solve dental problems such as uncomfortable chewing. Cosmetic dentistry involves bleaching teeth, crowns, bonding, veneers, contours and reshaping.

Bleaching (tooth whitening)

Tooth whitening, or tooth bleaching, involves restoring the natural white color of teeth. However, due to different reasons, some people want their teeth to go beyond the natural white color. Whitening beyond the natural color is also referred to as teeth whitening. When teeth are discolored, the natural shade of the teeth is underlying. This means that discoloration of teeth is caused by staining. The stains can be removed and the natural color of teeth restored. The stains are caused by plaque, tartar and tobacco among many other things. All these can be removed by having the teeth cleaned by a dental professional. You do not have to see a dentist to remove the stains on teeth. Pharmacists sell teeth bleaching agents over the counter. Some of the stains, especially those caused by poor oral hygiene can be removed by simply cleaning the teeth properly at home.


Bonding is another form of cosmetic dentistry. Bonding is a material that resembles the enamel that is used to fill gaps in teeth or alter the color of teeth. Bonding in most cases only requires a patient to visit the dentist once. No follow up is needed. Bonding will last many years, and only requires replacement if it wears of. It is important to note that bonding is vulnerable to chipping and staining. Oral hygiene should be maintained to reduce these effects. Bonding is used on teeth that have chipped slightly. Bonding is also used on teeth that have small cracks. It is also efficient in filling teeth that have small cavities. Bonding can be applied on the entire surface of the teeth to change their color or change their shape.


Crowns are also known as caps. They are made of a material that resembles teeth. They are used to cover teeth so that the normal shape can be restored. They are expensive. They are only used in cases where no other form of cosmetic dentistry will be effective. They are very long lasting; they last longer than any other form of cosmetic dentistry. They are used to restore the normal shape of teeth in patients who have chipped teeth. They can also be used to alter the length of teeth. Crowns are also effective in changing the color of teeth.


Veneers resemble crowns only that they are used on the surface of front teeth only. They are used to alter the shape of front teeth as well as change their color. They are used to correct teeth with uneven surfaces and teeth that are chipped. Veneers are also recommended in patients with crooked teeth and teeth that are unevenly spaced. In other words veneers are used in patients with great issues with the appearance of their front teeth. Human beings expose their front teeth almost every time they open their mouths. Veneers are cheaper compared to crowns.

Contouring and reshaping teeth

Teeth that are chipped, crooked and shapeless can be reshaped. Often after a tooth is reshaped, it has to be contoured. These procedures are used to alter the length of teeth, the shape of teeth and also the position of teeth. The position of teeth determines how well you chew. Bonding is also used alongside these procedures.

Contouring and reshaping teeth can be done to patients who are healthy and only need the appearance of their teeth to be altered. The dentist has to make sure that the teeth have enough pulp through x-rays. These procedures are safe.

Which form of cosmetic dentistry is convenient for you?

That question can only be answered after you visit the dentist. All procedures involved in cosmetic dentistry are safe. The dentist determines the method that is suitable for you after evaluating your teeth. From the evaluation the dentist is able to determine what you need for your teeth. The different methods are not charged the same. Some are more expensive than others. The dentists therefore gives the patient the options that are viable and lets the patient decide which method they prefer based on the cost as well as their preferences. Cosmetic dentistry is beneficial. If you need to improve the appearance of your teeth, visit a cosmetic dentist.

Cosmetic dentistry and what it involves